How to use the mirrors to have a sensation of larger rooms?

The rooms of the small dimensions may be a little bright, uncomfortable and very limiting. But they can look big, bright and spacious if you put mirrors in some particular locations. In this way,, they reflect the natural and artificial light, offering the illusion of depth. The mirrors can be strong and big, but the mirrors can easily be broken, so make sure that you have a home insurance to cover eventually damages.





Take the most of natural light entering the room by placing a mirror on the wall opposite the window. The mirror will reflect the sunlight into the room. But if the window is large compared to the size of the room, a mirror on the opposite wall can create glare. In this case, it is better to hang the mirror on the wall perpendicular to the window. The effect is the same if you use a large mirror or a number of small mirrors nearby placed.

If you have a small dining room, the bedroom or bathroom, you can cover an entire wall of mirrors or mirror tiles. From floor to ceiling mirrors can be found in a bedroom or on closet or cover the doors, if it covers the entire wall is too expensive. A cheaper option in a dining room is to cover the top half of a wall with a mirror or mirror tiles and place the dining table next to it. This trick is often used in small cafes and restaurants.

If there is space between the wall and the window frame or between the inner walls, the mirrors can be hung on both sides of the walls and on both sides you can place the applique lamps reflect the mirrors. This will give the impression of two additional windows. However, you should be careful not to overdo the effect. Do not hang mirrors on both walls.

Have a mirror above a fireplace is a classic trick to give the illusion of space. The light reflected in the mirror balances the dark inside the fireplace, but also reflects the light of the flames.

The mirrors on the ceiling are not accepted by everyone, some people find that the mirror from the ceiling has an intimidating tone and worsen the environment. The mirror is not a good idea in kitchens and bathrooms, with time labels may come off with the vapors and the heat that is generated in these two spaces.


The mirrors can also be positioned on the surfaces, on tables, on chimneys, although on some surfaces may not seem a good solution, and can be too exaggerated in a space or surface, so it may be preferred that the mirror is not placed over the entire surface of the table , but only on the final part of it, on small surfaces, such as beliefs or drawers.
The mirrors which are located inside the cabinets, in the libraries can give a small feeling of space, but always limited, and will always be best traits of an area illuminated from one side.



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